Our Process

Refinishing Process:


The word refinishing entails removing an existing finish, sanding to a consistency to ensure even staining and re-applying a finish.

1. Our stripping process is done by hand and will not damage the integrity or patina.

2. Sanding is where the magic happens and years of experience make a good project a great project.

3. Staining: Color match specialist; we make our own colors.

4. Finishing: There are many types and we’ll advise you to what will suit your needs.

Restoration Process:

It is the process of preserving the original. There are techniques to rejuvenate what already exists and simply put life back into the original luster. The items originality and value are kept intact.

Furniture restoration is an art not a science. Hick-ups do happen, but our many years of experience serve us to be our best.